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January 20, 2015
 January 20, 2015
John Vieira, Susan Mitchell, Holly Palmgren, Ron Thompson and Brian Keevan from the PCC were in attendance as well as Larry Todd and Brett Trowbridge associate members.

John Vieira called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm.


  • Draft Plans were submitted by Terra Environmental for the Town of Princeton for the reconstruction of Route 140 (Redemption Rock Trail) from the East Princeton Fire Station to the Route 31 intersection. The project consists of full-depth widening of the traveled way from an existing 24'-26' of pavement to a proposed 30' of pavement which will provide two-11' travel lanes and two-4' paved shoulders for enhanced safety for pedestrians and bicyclists, etc. Ancillary work shall include tree removal where necessary, relocation of utility poles, construction/repair of culvert headwalls, replacement of compromised culvert(s), cleaning of drainage structures and culverts, grading of earthen shoulders beyond the pavement, and installation of erosion controls.  The hearing was opened at 7:05 PM.~    Shelley Hammond gave an overview of the project to the commission that the filing with MEPA will be done and that the up dated permit list with dates will be submitted, but it was not a complete package; this is just a preliminary plan.  PCC requested the number of trees to be cut in the wetlands and buffer zone; vernal pools identified; add the buffer zone to the plans and re-notify the abutters. Holly Palmgren as an abutter recused herself from this project.  Applicant requested to continue the hearing to the February 17, 2015 meeting.

  • A Notice of Intent was received from Alternatives Unlimited, Inc. for property at 42 Pheasant Hollow Run.  The applicant wants to repair 10’-15’ length of damaged drainage swale and to clear a small amount of debris restricting flow through the culvert.  DEP File No. 267-0378.   The public meeting was opened at 7:35 PM.  Site visits were done on January 3, 2015 with Brian Keevan and then again on January 10, 2015 with John Vieira and Susan Mitchell present.  An Order of Conditions was issued with special conditions as written.  The public hearing was closed at 7:50 PM.

Minutes – January 20, 2015
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  • A call was received from Dianna and Hebert Markley for Lot 3, Calamint Hill Road North,  DEP File No. 267-260.  A Notice was filed and amended 2 times and is now expired.    The driveway is in and crosses 2 wetlands, there is fill in the wetlands and no replication has been done to date.  John Melhov plans to buy the lot. A site visit is scheduled for January 24, 2015 at 9 AM to look at the lot weather permitting.
  • Informal discussion with Martha Upton from 1 Rhodes Road regarding work to a septic system at that location,   Ms Upton called on January 20, 2015 to let the PCC know that she wouldn’t be attending.  Her engineer will file a NOI at a future date.
  • Informal discussion regarding Lot 2, Jefferson Road DEP File No. 267-326 for a change of ownership and questions regarding the Order of Conditions (expired).  PCC was called on January 20, 2015 to let the PCC know that they would not be attending the meeting.  They will file a NOI at a future date.
  • PCC received a letter dated December 23, 2014 from David Getman of resignation as a member of the Princeton Conservation Commission.  PCC accepted the resignation and Brett Trowbridge was recommended for full membership..
  • PCC received Revised Wetlands Protection Act Regulations and Forms.
  • John Vieira received an e-mail from Paul Catazaro from U Mass concerning the Savage Hill Property.  They want to do a presentation and attend the PCC meeting.  They are interested in the April Meeting.
  •  John Vieira worked with Scott Jackson in another town where the students looked at town culverts and calculated them for repairs.  The PCC thought this would be helpful for the Town Highway Department in determining where repairs be done.  John Vieira will speak with Scott regarding a possibility of this being done in Princeton.
  • A Paradise Pond site inspection report was received.
The December 16, 2014 minutes were accepted with minor changes.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.
                                                Marsha Dowdy